Min age: 5 Ukemi: From Seated Tachi Waza: De Ashi Barai Ne Waza: Kuzure Kesa Gatame Free Practice:Uchi komi no throw Fundamental Skills: 1 skill Performance Skills: Agura and Seiza General behaviour: Listening and paying attention Terminology: Rei- Hajime- Matte
2nd Shamrock (White/Purple Stripe)
Min age: 6 Ukemi: From Crouching Tachi Waza: Uki Goshi Ne Waza: Kata Gatame, Tate Shiho Gatame Free Practice: Uchi komi no throw Fundamental Skills: 2 skills Performance Skills: Ritzurei and Zarei General behaviour: Hygene and Safety Terminology: Ukemi- Judoka- Sensei
3rd Shamrock (White/Yellow Stripe)
Min age: 7 Ukemi: From Standing Tachi Waza: O Soto Gari Ne Waza: Mune Gatame, Kuzure Tate Shiho Gatame Free Practice: Uchi komi with throw Fundamental Skills: 3 skills Performance Skills: Bow into and out of Dojo &
Mat Area General behaviour: Fair Play and Friendship Terminology: Uke- Tori - Dojo - Tatami