Min age: 10 Ukemi: From Standing Tachi Waza: Tsurikomi Goshi, Sode Tzurikomi Goshi Ne Waza: Sankaku Gatame Free Practice: Randori (throw, hold, escape) Fundamental Skills: 9 skills Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds General behaviour: Modesty: To be without ego
in your actions and thoughts Terminology: Wazari, Ippon Additional Learning: Uchi Mata Makikomi, Harai Makikomi
Green/Blue 9th Mon
Min age: 11 Ukemi: Full Set Tachi Waza: Hane Goshi, Tzuri Goshi Ne Waza: Ude Hisigi Juji Gatame Free Practice: Randori (throw, kansetzu) Fundamental Skills: 10 skills Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds General behaviour: Respect: To appreciate others Terminology: Shido - Hansoku Make Additional Learning: Hane Goshi Gaeshi
Blue 10th Mon
Min age: 11 Ukemi: Full Set Tachi Waza: Ashi Guruma, Harai Tsurikomi Ashi Ne Waza: Ude Garami Free Practice: Randori (throw, kansetzu) Fundamental Skills: 11 skills Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds General behaviour: Self control: to be in control of your emotions Terminology: Score signals, Contest
etiquette Additional Learning: Yama Arashi