Min age: 12 Ukemi: From Standing Tachi Waza: Yoko Otoshi, Ko Soto Gake Ne Waza: Ude Hisigi Ude Gatame Free Practice: Randori (throw, kansetzu) Fundamental Skills: 12 skills Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds General behaviour: Friendship: To be a good
companion and friend Terminology: Shime Waza, Kansetsu Waza Additional Learning: Daki Wakare
Brown 12th Mon
Min age: 12 Ukemi: Full Set Tachi Waza: Tomoe Nage Ne Waza: Gyaku Juji Jime, Nami Juji Jime, Kata Juji Jime Free Practice: Randori (throw, 3 shime waza) Fundamental Skills: 13 skills Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds General behaviour: Explain Judo’s moral code Terminology: Kata Additional Learning: 2 sets Nage No Kata