Senior White to Green

Yellow 5th Kyu

Min age: 14
Ukemi: Full Set
Tachi Waza:
De Ashi Barai, Uki Goshi, O Soto Gari, O Uchi Gari, Hiza Guruma, Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi, Morote Seoi Nage, O Goshi, Ippon Seoi Nage
Ne Waza: 
Kesa-Gatame, Kuzure-Kesa-Gatame, Kata-Gatame, Tate-Shiho-Gatame, Mune Gatame Kuzure Tate Shiho Gatame, Yoko-Shiho-Gatame Kuzure Yoko Shiho Gatame
Free Practice: Kakari geiko
Fundamental Skills: 5 skills
Performance Skills: Agura and Seiza, Ritzurei and Zarei, Bow in and out of Dojo/Mat area, Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds
General behaviour: Listening and Paying attention, Hygiene and Safety, Fair Play and Friendship, how to tie your belt, courtesy
: Rei-Hajime-Matte-Ukemi- Judoka- Sensei-Uke-Tori-Dojo-Tatami-Judo Gi- Obi-Zori
Additional Learning: Ouchi Gaeshi, Tsubame Gaeshi

Orange 4th Kyu

Min age: 14
Ukemi: Full Set
Tachi Waza:
Kosoto Gari. Ko Uchi Gari, Tai O Toshi, Harai Goshi, Koshi Guruma, O Guruma, Uchimata Okuri Ashi Barai, Tsurikomi Goshi, Sode Tsuri Komi Goshi
Ne Waza: 
Kuzure-Kami-Shiho-Gatame, Kami-Shiho-Gatame, Uki-Gatame, Ura-Gatame, Ushiro-kesa-gatame, Mukura Kesa Gatame, Sangaku-Gatame
Free Practice: Kakari geiko
Fundamental Skills: 10 skills
Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds
General behaviour:
To face difficulties with bravery. Honesty: To be sincere with your thoughts and actions.
Honour: To do what is right and stand by your principles.
Modesty: To be without ego in your actions and thoughts.
: Uchikomi-Randori-Shai-Sona Mama-Yoshi-Newaza-Tachi Waza-Wazari-Ippon
Additional Learning: 
Kouchi Gaeshi, Harai Goshi Gaeshi, Uchimata Gaeshi, Uchimata Sukashi, Uchimata Makikomi Harai Makikomi

Green 3rd Kyu

Min age: 14
Full Set
Tachi Waza:
Hane Goshi, Tsuri Goshi, Ashi Guruma, Harai Tsurikomi Ashi, Yoko O Toshi, Ko-Soto-Gake Tomoe Nage
Ne Waza: 
Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame, Ude-garami, Ude-hishigi-ude-gatame, Gyaku Juji-jime, Kata-juji-jime, Nami-juji-jime
Free Practice: Randori
Fundamental Skills: 12 skills
Performance Skills: Any combination, any counter, any turnover to hold, escape from holds
General behaviour:
Respect: To appreciate others.
Self Control:
To be in control of your emotions.
To be a good companion and friend.
Explain Judo’s moral code
: Shido, Hansoku Make, Score signals, Contest etiquette, Shime Waza, Kansetsu Waza, Kata
Additional Learning:
Hane Goshi Gaeshi, Yama Arashi, Daki wakare